What is Plagiarism?
Understand the definition of plagiarism.
Prepare your students with the skills to write in their own voice and demonstrate their critical thinking. Use our vast library of resources to find best practices, strategies, and advice.
Understand the definition of plagiarism.
Analyzing the effectiveness of formative workshops in teaching about and preventing plagiarism.
An analysis of students' perspectives on cheating.
Developing a university-wide plagiarism prevention strategy in concert with an information literacy strategy.
Proposal for a plagiarism identification framework and its pedagogical implications.
Report on the Open University's efforts to institute an academic integrity policy.
Using software to measure rates of unoriginal writing.
Taking a phenomenographic approach to understand higher education instructors' perspectives on Turnitin.
Identifying contract cheating as the successor to plagiarism.
Information on test cases used to evaluate plagiarism detection software.