Eliminating the successor to plagiarism?
Identifying contract cheating as the successor to plagiarism.
Identifying contract cheating as the successor to plagiarism.
How to use academic integrity policies to engage students and faculty to learn how to avoid different types of plagiarism.
Considering the possibility of making contract cheating illegal.
The results of the European Commission's project assessing the impact of plagiarism policies in higher education.
How students perceive plagiarism from the perspectives of a variety of different cultures.
Filmmaker Kirby Ferguson explores how remixing is a form of creativity and how it classes with current norms.
Using the pedagogy of contextualization to help students understand the risks of unoriginal writing.
This webinar discusses how to use Turnitin and the Plagiarism Spectrum in the classroom to help students learn academic integrity.
Strategies to help instructors identify ghostwritten work in class.